TExL (Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics Research Group at Waseda), CELESE (早稲田大学理工学術院英語教育センター), 研究拠点形成事業 (The JSPS Core-to-Core Program)の共同開催でシンガポール国立大学のマイケル芳貴アーリーワイン先生を招き、以下の公開セミナーを実施いたします。
日時:6月24日(土) 15時~17時
会場:早稲田大学西早稲田キャンパス(https://www.waseda.jp/top/access/nishiwaseda-campus) 55S号館 1階 カンファレンスルーム
Speaker: Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine (National University of Singapore)
Title: Anti-pied-piping mismatches between focus syntax and semantics
Anti-pied-piping is a widespread but understudied phenomenon where a language targets a proper subpart of the logical focus for focus morphosyntax: for example, focus particle placement or focus movement. We show that anti-pied-piping is attested in over 60 languages from over 40 distinct language groups. We present a theory of focus particle syntax/semantics that involves severing the pronounced position of a focus particle and the logical position of its corresponding semantic contribution, which successfully accounts for both anti-pied-piping and pied-piping behavior. Constraints on attested anti-pied-piping behavior and its interaction with movement show that particle placement takes place at particular, punctuated points in the derivation, in a cyclic model of syntactic structure-building. We also discuss the relation of particle placement to other processes such as linearization and stress assignment. (Joint work with Kenyon Branan.)
Contact: Questions about this event may be addressed to Ayaka Sugawara [ayakasug@waseda.jp].
早稲田大学理工学術院英語教育センター: https://celese.jp/
研究拠点形成事業「自然言語の構造と獲得メカニズムの理解に向けた研究拠点形成」 : https://www.ctc.lang.osaka-u.ac.jp/
6/23の「意味論研究会」は、Erlewine先生の他にChris Davis先生もご講演される予定です。
Speaker: Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine (National University of Singapore)
Title: Pre- and post-predicate degree morphemes in Vietnamese: Heads vs phrases
Degree morphemes in Vietnamese may precede or follow their gradable predicate: e.g. rất ‘very’ precedes and nhất ‘most’ follows. We argue that these two classes of expressions differ significantly in their syntax and semantics: Pre-predicate degree morphemes are functional heads in the predicate’s extended projection whereas post-predicate degree morphemes are heads of phrasal modifiers. The latter form degree quantifiers which must move to take scope; this movement must be overt and to the right, deriving their post-predicate word order. We also explain differences between the two classes of items in their ability to introduce arguments and participate in scope ambiguities, and in their behavior in descriptions of nominal quantity. (Joint work with Anne Nguyen.)