The year-end TOEIC-IP test for AY2011 will be held on January 29, 2012, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. All first-year and second-year students are required to take the test. In addition, third-year students in the Advanced Science and Engineering School (先進理工学部) are required to take the test. Students should check the bulletin board at the main gate to see which classroom they should go to for the test.
All of the students indicated above are required to take the test. Students who miss the test (or who know they will miss the test) must submit a form which explains their absence by Monday, February 6. See the test absence policy page for instructions.
Third- or fourth-year retake students of CS2, ALC2, AR2, and CBD2 (except 先進理工 third-year students) cannot take the TOEIC test.
See the TOEIC Test Information and Policies page for general information about the test and how CELESE uses the results.