TANAKA, Aina (田中 藍渚), Assistant Professor
ResearchMap site : https://researchmap.jp/ainatanaka
E-mail : [aina.tanaka5@aoni.waseda.jp]
My research interests lie in sociolinguistics, with a particular focus on English and globalization. Specifically, I investigate the complex and emergent discussions surrounding how English is used, perceived, and conceptualized by individuals and society amidst globalization, and how the ideologies and social issues associated with the language shape our everyday communication. Guided by key concepts such as Global Englishes (including English as a Lingua Franca (ELF), translingualism), language investment, and the dynamics of power and ideologies, my recent research ethnographically explored identity construction among Japanese undergraduate students, as reflected in their on/offline language practices in intercultural communication and interview narratives.
Administrative roles : CELESE minutes management
Courses : Academic Reading, Concept Building and Discussion
Global Englishes (English as a Lingua Franca), Language ideologies, Language learner/user identities, Linguistic ethnography, (Multimodal) Discourse Analysis, Critical applied linguistics