Naho Orita

ORITA, Naho (折田奈甫), Associate Professor

ResearchMap site : https://researchmap.jp/naho_orita

Personal web site : https://oritalab.com/

E-mail : [orita@waseda.jp]

I am interested in a language learning mechanism and input that enable learners to acquire a language. I am currently working on the learning of the interpretations of null arguments and the learning of verb meanings. More generally, I am interested in questions about how people learn, represent, and process their language from limited resources (e.g., input, memory, and computation). My research has been interdisciplinary: I use computational models, conduct corpus analysis/creation, and run behavioral experiments.


  • Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of Maryland, 2015
  • M.A. in English, Kobe Shoin Women’s University, 2009
  • A.A. in English, Osaka Jogakuin College, 2003

Current CELESE responsibilities

Administrative roles : Coordinator for Academic Lecture Comprehension, Teaching assistant management, Publicity chair

Courses : Academic Lecture Comprehension, Communication Strategies, Technical Writing

Research areas and interests

Psycholinguistics, Language acquisition

Representative works

  • Orita, Takahashi, and Sakai (2023). "Agreement affects the interpretation of null arguments in semi-artificial Japanese." In Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.
  • 折田奈甫 (2023). 私のブックマーク: 第一言語獲得から考える人工知能. 人工知能 38(2).
  • Orita (2022). "Computational modeling." Key Concepts of Experimental Pragmatics. (ed.) Miyamoto, Koizumi, Ono, Sauerland, and Yatsushiro.
  • Orita, Vornov, and Feldman (2021). “Informativity, topicality, and speech cost: Comparing models of speakers’ choices of referring expressions”. In Discourse Processes.
  • Orita, Ono, Feldman, and Lidz (2021). “Japanese children’s knowledge of the locality of zibun and kare”. In Language Acquisition: A Journal of Developmental Linguistics.


  • 日本学術振興会 基盤研究(C)『人工言語を用いた項省略の研究』研究代表者. 2020-2023.
  • 日本学術振興会 若手研究『項省略を考慮した日本語の統語的ブートストラッピング』研究代表者. 2018-2019.
  • 日本学術振興会 スタート支援『母語獲得におけるわかりやすい学習事例の解明』研究代表者. 2016-2017.