SHEPPARD, Chris (シェパード クリス), Professor
ResearchMap site : https://researchmap.jp/read0078020
E-mail : [chris@waseda.jp]
Chris Sheppard obtained his Ph.D. in Language Learning and Teaching in 2007. His research interests include second language acquisition, second language teaching, feedback, and educational psychology. He has published in several international journals. Chris strives to be an effective educator, and in addition to teaching English for specific purposes at CELESE, he also teaches courses in statistical analysis for applied linguists and teaching English as a second language at the graduate level.
Administrative roles : Academic Lecture Comprehension course coordinator, English Degree Program CELESE coordinator
Courses : Academic Lecture Comprehension, Concept Building and Discussion, Professional Communication
Second Language Acquisition, ESP Curriculum Design, Task Based Language Teaching, Critical Thinking Development