Academic Study Skills (A and B)
Course Overview
Course description
This course will develop the academic skills needed at university. The course is designed around the ability to manage your own learning, which includes the identification of learning objectives, the evaluation of your own performance related to those objectives, and the development of a learning plan. The skills necessary to learn effectively at university (academic reading skills, academic lecture skills, and research skills) and to express what you have learned (academic writing skills, presentation, skills, and test-taking) will also be developed. Additionally, academic ethics will be taught.
Course goals
- Learning Management skills: Goal Setting, learning to meet goals, evaluating goal achievement.
- Academic Reading skills: Reading strategies, critical reading.
- Academic Lecture Skills: Pre-lecture preparation, note-taking, question asking, post-lecture review.
- Academic Writing Skills: Paragraphs, research paper sections, lab reports.
- Research Skills and Critical Thinking: Data collection, library research, critical evaluation.
- Academic Ethics: Cheating, plagiarism, accurate data collection, citation and referencing.
- Reporting research results: Summarizing readings, oral presentations.
- Peer Feedback: Learn to give and receive constructive peer feedback.
Specific details related to each teacher are available on the respective Waseda Moodle course pages.
- See the individual Waseda Moodle pages for each class for details.
Assessment and grading
Throughout the course, the following assessment tools will be used to evaluate whether students are meeting the criteria of each course goal. Specific details related to each class are available on the respective Waseda Moodle course pages.
- Quizzes (lecture comprehension, note-taking, summary writing, vocabulary)
- Written assignments
- Presentations
- Test Absence Policy
Further Information