In this course, students will develop the scientific and technical reading and writing skills they need to understand and construct research articles. First, students will learn what research or the research process is and how it is reflected in the writing of a research paper. Students will look at software tools and corpora (collections of language samples) that can assist them in the writing of research papers. Students will create their own corpus of research papers and will use throughout the remainder of the course. Students will then write a full research paper in their field of specialization, working separately on the title, abstract, introduction, materials/methods, results, and discussion. For each part of the research paper, students will first analyze the sample texts in their corpus and then present their findings to other members of the class. This will help all students to understand which elements are common to all science and engineering disciplines, and which are unique to individual disciplines. Next, they will apply what they have learned in their own writing, slowly constructing a full-research paper by the end of the course.
Download a generic course syllabus here.
Specific details related to each teacher are available on the Waseda Moodle course page.