Following is a list of general news items relatedd to CELESE and the classes managed by CELESE. These items are of a general nature and concern all CELESE faculty, staff, and students. For information related to a specific section of any one of our courses, please consult the Waseda Moodle site for that section and/or the teacher responsible for it.
2010/10/25 CELESE News Free English Conversation at the Waseda ICC
2010/06/22 CELESE News CELESE featured in Waseda Weekly
2010/06/21 CS News AY 2009 Communication Strategies 2 final grade changes
2010/05/24 ALC News Information on the new grading system for 2010 ALC1
2010/05/24 ALC News 2010 ALC1 in-class mid-term test information
2010/04/01 CELESE News Welcome to all students!
2010/02/23 CELESE News Revised final grades for CBD2 and CS2 are available
2010/02/21 CELESE News Final Grades for 2nd Semester 1st/2nd Year Courses Available
2010/01/13 AR News AR2 Final Test information