Date: 19 September 2020, 13:00 – 16:00
Laurence Anthony
Visually coding sentence types in academic essay paragraphs improves student’s writing
Miklos Juhasz
Abstract: This presentation reports on action research conducted in an academic writing course. Students were required to build paragraphs using multiple blocks of claim, evidence, and explanation type sentences, and visually code each sentence for its type. The approach demonstrated improvement of the written logical organization over a control.
“No one will be left behind”- Incorporating SDG’s into an ESP oriented Class
Darlene Yamauchi
Abstract: This interactive presentation will discuss a small pilot study focusing on learner interest with the incorporation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) into an English for Specific Purposes (ESP) oriented class. Methodology, preliminary findings of this case study, as well as transferable techniques that may be easily applied to a closely coordinated program such as the CELESE will be discussed.
Alleviating students’ anxieties in Zoom classes by integrating a class blog activity
Keiko Yuyama
Abstract: This ongoing research investigates how a class blog activity facilitates English communications among first-year students in Zoom classes. The current study suggests participating in the Moodle’s Forum function in the early stage of the semester seemed to alleviate their anxieties towards 1) getting familiar with their new classmates and 2) verbal communication in English.
Generating AWL quizzes automatically for testing in Academic Reading courses
Ralph Rose
Abstract: Word Quiz Constructor (WQC) is a Java application that automatically generates multiple-choice cloze questions that test students’ learning of Academic Word List (AWL) words for CELESE’s Academic Reading classes. Several validation tests show that WQC-produced items are comparable to manually-produced items in terms of well-formedness and facility.
Moving from good enough to perfect in science and engineering writing
Kevin Knight
Abstract: In technical writing courses, the top students can often provide good papers. The presenter describes one approach for increasing student awareness of what it means to write a perfect paper by using research papers from top journals in science and engineering outside of a student’s field of expertise.
Integrating feedback and assessment in the language classroom
Chris Sheppard
Abstract: In his meta-analysis, Hattie (2008) determined that feedback had an important role to play in both learning and teaching. This brief talk introduces the interacting roles of feedback and assessment and considers how these can be applied to a Concept Building and Discussion class to maximize the opportunities for learning.
Recreating the classroom learning experience online through multi-cam live streaming
Laurence Anthony
Abstract: On-demand learning materials created by university instructors tend to center around traditional slide-based presentations with voice-over narration or talking-head video inserts. Such materials not only exaggerate the static and uninspiring nature of slides but also severely limit the possibilities for expanded explanations and interesting digressions. To address these limitations, this presentation shows how a multi-cam setup combined and live-streamed video changeovers can recreate a more traditional classroom learning experience.
Discussion and Wrap-up